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Severe nature ...

I saw a tough nature ...

Do not turn your eyes.

Dead bodies of animals found while driving

Two crows were sticking out

Pass through prayers and leave that place

I passed that road on the way home after I got errands

That dead body is already infiltrated the red blood

It disappeared with that as well

I saw the severity of nature

From its form that would normally turn his eyes off

Without my eyes I saw it

It is a food from seeing from them

Normal things happening in wild savanna

To be too weak eyes we too

The noticed nature is sometimes great

Sometimes it tells us everything strictly

People are just baits if they are in savanna

But we are living in peace

Even though my heart is painful and painful

I am living in happiness

To the two crows on that roadside

I taught you

I must thank you for being alive

Surely it is more important than necessary

          The poet ~ Now person ...

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